I can prove I’m brave. Some additional key details about repetition: Here's how to pronounce repetition: rep-ih-tish-un. This is repeated over and over until the repetition is itself an example of repetition. Depending on how the reader takes these lines that can be both negative and positive. Repetition Example from Literature: Epizeuxis. Here, the use of repetition makes each line Dickens creates all the more impactful. For example, epistrophe is concerned with the repetition of words at the end of multiple lines. In all three cases, the repetition emphasizes the might of the Greeks: The Greeks are strong and skillful to their strength, Fierce to their skill and to their fierceness valiant; These are the first two stanzas of a song from Shakespeare's play, Twelfth Night. An example would include if multiple lines ended with “and so it goes” or “so they said”. For example, “One, but not two; three, but not four; five, but not six.”, Epistrophe is the repetition of a word at the end of each phrase or clause. Black fish, Blue fish, Old fish, New fish. Here, he reveals that what he presented as another person's letter was actually written by him, ostensibly from memory. One element on the right side of the paper immediately connects to another on the left. Figures of speech that employ repetition usually repeat single words or short phrases, but some can involve the repetition of sounds while others might involve the repetition of entire sentences. Repetition is a very popular way of adding stress and power when delivering a speech. It is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of multiple lines of verse. The writer employee this technique in order to make a point. Repetition signals to readers, “Hey, listen, this is important!” In a way, you are calling attention to the importance of the line and giving it emphasis. It is incredibly important when creating motifs or using any kind of repeating symbol that defines something in your story. Yes. One of the reasons his books are so unique is that he makes use of several types of repetition, which together create a whimsical, silly sounding style. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Anaphora: A common literary technique that poets use in order to create rhythm in the progression of their lines. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; In Lolita, the morally bankrupt Humbert Humbert defends his relationship to the young Lolita to an imagined jury. Writers use repetition in order to emphasize something they find important. The word “tomorrow” is repeated three times in a row. Repetition is not defined as one single “thing” in a work of literature. They build up upon one another (a technique known as accumulation) and help the reader imagine the place and time that Dickens is going to explore in the novel. Here’s a quick and simple definition: Repetition is a literary device in which a word or phrase is repeated two or more times. Dickens’ famous words “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” remain some of the most celebrated lines in literature to this day. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. There are many different figures of speech that use repetition, all in different ways. Color is often cited as one of the most important elements to consider repeating in a work of art. When Polonius asks Hamlet what he's reading, Hamlet responds: Words, words, words. One writer might use the technique in order to reuse a word, sporadically throughout the text. These figures of speech can vary in the things they repeat (sounds, words, phrases, etc.) Furthermore, repetition has historically been an important technique for oral tradition, as it helped storytellers remember details and lines that may have otherwise been difficult to repeat. For example, “Lucy lacked love,” “the sand sizzled under the strong sun;” “the fox fixed the fax.” Alliteration is perhaps the most used form of sound repetition. A complex and philosophically poignant poem, ‘Dog’ uses a dog’s perspective to speak on a very human one. we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—. The apartment was on the top floor—a small living-room, a small dining-room, a small bedroom, and a bath. Some of the most commonly used synonyms for repetition are reiteration, reprise, iteration, retelling, restatement, and recap. What a lot of fish there are. Epizeuxis is the repetition of a word in sequence. Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools. Quite simply, repetition is the repeating of a word or phrase. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Another example occurs later on in the poem The lines read: It is at this point that the poem starts to become more complicated. For example, “She looked to the left, she looked to the right, she looked straight ahead.”, Mesodiplosis is the repetition of a word in the middle of each phrase or clause.
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